You may receive the product directly from us. But if you place your order through one of our vendors, you need to contact them for authorizing your return and they will let you know where you should send back your product. Different vendors have different return policy for their customers.
In case you are supposed to return your product, do not forget to get the Return Authorization Number from the company you purchased your product from. Without getting the Return Authorization Number from the company your place your order through, they cannot start processing your refund.
You may receive the product directly from us. But if you place your order through one of our vendors, you need to contact them for authorizing your return and they will let you know where you should send back your product. Different vendors have different return policy for their customers.
In case you are supposed to return your product, do not forget to get the Return Authorization Number from the company you purchased your product from. Without getting the Return Authorization Number from the company your place your order through, they cannot start processing your refund.